Mordo.Info - TOP/PKO 2.4 Game Database

Mystic Chest

Mystic Chest What are you waiting for? Open it for a big surprise!


Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 2500
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable by 99 s.



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
776 Fox Sage 70 100.00 No
74 Icy Dragon 75 100.00 No
786 Lizardman Warrior Commander 80 100.00 No
757 Pirate Captain 008 75 100.00 No
685 Ancient Behemoth 100 50.00 No
712 Abandoned Chest 1 0 10.00 No
709 Obscure Chest 1 0 10.00 No
561 Huge Cyborg 85 6.00 No
713 Abandoned Chest 2 0 5.00 No
788 Evil Tribal Chieftian 85 5.00 No
868 Lance Newbie Phantom 10 5.00 No
879 Ami Newbie Phantom 10 2.00 No
872 Carsise Newbie Phantom 10 2.00 No
787 Evil Tribal Warrior 72 2.00 No
875 Phyllis Newbie Phantom 10 2.00 No
699 Mystic Tree 10 1.00 No
718 Tree of Fortune 5 0.10 No

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Id Item name Level Amount %
4709 Blessed Rainbow 55 1 0.60
4708 Shooting Star 55 1 0.60
4707 Milky Way 55 1 0.60
4706 Spirit Spark 55 1 0.60
4705 Force of Four Seasons 50 1 0.60
4704 Wintery Blizzard 50 1 0.60
4703 Autumn Night Glimmer 50 1 0.60
4702 Warm Wind of Spring 50 1 0.60
4701 Burning Vitality 50 1 0.60
4699 Charm of Encounter 45 1 0.60
4698 Storm Necklace 45 1 0.60
4697 Necklace of Speed 45 1 0.60
4696 Necklace of Shooting Star 45 1 0.60
4695 Red Nit Gem 40 1 0.60
4694 Symbolic Necklace 40 1 0.60
4693 Hope of Life 40 1 0.60
4692 Mark of the Dragon 40 1 0.60
4691 Ashen Gem 40 1 0.60
4655 Mermaid Tears 55 1 0.60
4654 Ring of Binding 55 1 0.60
4653 Vanishing Ring 55 1 0.60
4652 Ring of Trust 55 1 0.60
4651 Ring of Suppression 55 1 0.60
4650 Believer's Ring 50 1 0.60
4649 Bewitching Ring 50 1 0.60
4648 Bandit Ring 50 1 0.60
4647 Ring of Resistance 50 1 0.60
4646 Ring of Pharaoh 50 1 0.60
4645 Wild Breeze 45 1 0.60
4644 Paw of Cheetah 45 1 0.60
4643 Ring of the Hawk 45 1 0.60
4642 Ring of the Yeti 45 1 0.60
4641 Eye of the Tiger 45 1 0.60
4640 Ring of Advancement 40 1 0.60
4639 Sniper Ring 40 1 0.60
4638 Guerrilla Warfare Ring 40 1 0.60
4637 Counterattack Ring 40 1 0.60
4636 Crusader Ring 40 1 0.60
4302 Guardian of Nature 55 1 0.60
4301 Staff of Sagacious 45 1 0.60
2215 Lucky Bunny Cap 60 1 0.60
2213 Joyful Bunny Cap 55 1 0.60
2210 Happy Bunny Cap 45 1 0.60
2207 Otter Cap 50 1 0.60
2204 Loopy Bunny Cap 50 1 0.60
2201 Lucky Otter Cap 60 1 0.60
2200 Clever Otter Cap 55 1 0.60
2199 Hopperoo Cap 45 1 0.60
2195 Pincer Cap 60 1 0.60
2194 Prawn Cap 55 1 0.60
2193 Ducky Cap 45 1 0.60
2192 Lobster Cap 50 1 0.60
1477 Eye of Sorrow 60 1 0.60
876 Lv 5 Fog Coral 50 1 0.60
871 Lv 5 Thunder Coral 50 1 0.60
821 Lv 5 Wind Coral 50 1 0.60
746 Heavenly Shoes 60 1 0.60
745 Lucky Bunny Shoes 60 1 0.60
743 Joyful Bunny Shoes 55 1 0.60
740 Happy Bunny Shoes 45 1 0.60
737 Otter Shoes 50 1 0.60
734 Loopy Bunny Shoes 50 1 0.60
731 Blessed Boots 55 1 0.60
730 Piety Boots 45 1 0.60
729 Protector Boots 60 1 0.60
728 Healer Boots 55 1 0.60
727 Passage Boots 45 1 0.60
723 Follower Boots 50 1 0.60
721 Garcon Boots 50 1 0.60
716 Lucky Otter Shoes 60 1 0.60
715 Clever Otter Shoes 55 1 0.60
714 Hopperoo Shoes 45 1 0.60
710 Pincer Shoes 60 1 0.60
709 Prawn Shoes 55 1 0.60
708 Ducky Shoes 45 1 0.60
707 Lobster Shoes 50 1 0.60
697 Wind Boots 50 1 0.60
696 Whirlpool Boots 60 1 0.60
695 Hurricane Boots 55 1 0.60
694 Mastman Boots 45 1 0.60
669 Raptor Boots 60 1 0.60
668 Ringdove Boots 55 1 0.60
667 Peacock Boots 45 1 0.60
664 Emerald Boots 50 1 0.60
656 Ceremonial Greaves 60 1 0.60
655 Silver Greaves 55 1 0.60
654 Light Greaves 45 1 0.60
653 Strong Greaves 45 1 0.60
651 Mithril Greaves 50 1 0.60
639 Lv 5 Strike Coral 50 1 0.60
570 Heavenly Gloves 60 1 0.60
569 Lucky Bunny Muffs 60 1 0.60
567 Joyful Bunny Muffs 55 1 0.60
564 Happy Bunny Muffs 45 1 0.60
561 Otter Muffs 50 1 0.60
558 Loopy Bunny Muffs 50 1 0.60
555 Blessed Gloves 55 1 0.60
554 Piety Gloves 45 1 0.60
553 Protector Gloves 60 1 0.60
552 Healer Gloves 55 1 0.60
551 Passage Gloves 45 1 0.60
547 Follower Gloves 50 1 0.60
545 Garcon Gloves 50 1 0.60
540 Lucky Otter Muffs 60 1 0.60
539 Clever Otter Muffs 55 1 0.60
538 Hopperoo Muffs 45 1 0.60
534 Pincer Muffs 60 1 0.60
533 Prawn Muffs 55 1 0.60
532 Ducky Muffs 45 1 0.60
531 Lobster Muffs 50 1 0.60
521 Wind Gloves 50 1 0.60
520 Whirlpool Gloves 60 1 0.60
519 Hurricane Gloves 55 1 0.60
518 Mastman Gloves 45 1 0.60
493 Raptor Gloves 60 1 0.60
492 Ringdove Gloves 55 1 0.60
491 Peacock Gloves 45 1 0.60
488 Emerald Gloves 50 1 0.60
480 Ceremonial Gauntlets 60 1 0.60
479 Silver Gauntlets 55 1 0.60
478 Light Gauntlets 45 1 0.60
477 Strong Gauntlets 45 1 0.60
475 Mithril Gauntlets 50 1 0.60
394 Heavenly Vest 60 1 0.60
393 Lucky Bunny Costume 60 1 0.60
391 Joyful Bunny Costume 55 1 0.60
388 Happy Bunny Costume 45 1 0.60
385 Otter Costume 50 1 0.60
382 Loopy Bunny Costume 50 1 0.60
379 Blessed Robe 55 1 0.60
378 Piety Robe 45 1 0.60
377 Protector Robe 60 1 0.60
376 Healer Robe 55 1 0.60
375 Passage Robe 45 1 0.60
371 Follower Robe 50 1 0.60
369 Garcon Robe 50 1 0.60
364 Lucky Otter Costume 60 1 0.60
363 Clever Otter Costume 55 1 0.60
362 Hopperoo Costume 45 1 0.60
358 Pincer Costume 60 1 0.60
357 Prawn Costume 55 1 0.60
356 Ducky Costume 45 1 0.60
355 Lobster Costume 50 1 0.60
345 Wind Vest 50 1 0.60
344 Whirlpool Vest 60 1 0.60
343 Hurricane Vest 55 1 0.60
342 Mastman Vest 45 1 0.60
317 Raptor Vest 60 1 0.60
316 Ringdove Vest 55 1 0.60
315 Peacock Vest 45 1 0.60
312 Emerald Vest 50 1 0.60
304 Ceremonial Platemail 60 1 0.60
303 Silver Platemail 55 1 0.60
302 Light Platemail 45 1 0.60
301 Strong Platemail 45 1 0.60
299 Mithril Platemail 50 1 0.60
230 Primal Tattoo 60 1 0.60
229 Savage Bull Tattoo 50 1 0.60
228 Raging Bull Tattoo 55 1 0.60
126 Blessed Shield 55 1 0.60
125 Crevice Shield 45 1 0.60
108 Lotus Staff 55 1 0.60
84 Vampiric Kris 55 1 0.60
45 Gattling Firegun 55 1 0.60
23 Delusion Sword 55 1 0.60
21 Charging Sword 55 1 0.60

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Id Item name Level Amount %
6378 �������� ��� 0 -

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